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  Modified Texas Scramble Rules


The following rules will govern all Scramble tournaments organized for the Members of the SGA (to print these rules, click below):

1.  A scramble is a team competition.  Each team of three or four players will appoint one scorekeeper to keep a single score for the group for each hole.

2.   Each player will tee off from the tee blocks from which he normally plays, either white or red.

3.   Each player will tee off on every hole.

4.   The best of the tee shots, subject to rule 8, will be selected, and each player will play his second shot from that spot.

5.   The best of the second shots will then be determined, and each player will play his third shot from that spot.

6.   This process will continue until the ball is holed, such that only the best shots of the group will be taken into account in determining the group's collective score for the hole.

7.   Putting will follow the same process, but players are cautioned not to tap in a close putt until all members of the group have attempted the same initial putt, as the tap-in must be counted and will end play on that hole.

8.   The tee shot of each member of the group must be used 3 times in the case of a foursome and 4 times in the case of a threesome.  The tee shot of any member of the group may be used for a further 6 holes.

9.   No "gimmies" or "mulligans" will be allowed.

10. Where there are fewer than 4 players in a group, extra shots may be taken on a rotational basis as if there were four players in the group.

©2018 by Senior Golfers Association, Est. 1977

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