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  SGA Rules of Membership




A candidate for Membership in the SGA must be of the minimum age of 55 years as of January 1 in the year of admission.  There is no maximum age limit.

A Membership continues throughout the calendar year to which that year's Membership Fee applies.  Where a Membership terminates at the end of a calendar year, it may be renewed on the remittance of the Membership Fee for the next, or a subsequent, calendar year.

Membership Fee:

The Membership Fee is determined annually by the Board of Directors at its Fall Directors' meeting.  The Fee is payable by a renewing Member no later than December 31 of the year prior to the commencement of the golf season to which it applies.  At its meeting of October 28, 2024, the Board determined that the Membership Fee for the 2025 season will be $100.00.

A new Member admitted to the SGA partway through a season is subject to a pro-rated portion of the annual Membership Fee for that year, as determined by the Membership Director.

©2018 by Senior Golfers Association, Est. 1977

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